In the eighth of our series on 'Being Disciples', Jon Rotheray shares thoughts on 'Honouring One Another'.
In the seventh of our series on 'Being Disciples', Rev. Carl Smith explores the topic of 'Giving Joyfully'.
In the fifth of our series on 'Being Disciples', Jon Rotheray looks at a recipe for 'Making Disciples'.
In the fourth of our series on 'Being Disciples', Liz Cox explores the topic of our 'True Identity'
In the third of our series on 'Being Disciples', Rev. Carl Smith looks at the importance of 'Resting in Him'.
In the second of our series on 'Being Disciples', Rev. Chris Sutton looks at 'Trusting God' and the story of Shadrach, Meschach and Abednego from Daniel 3:8-18
Following Jesus - The first part in our series on 'Being Disciples'.