Our services follow a regular monthly pattern, including formal and informal styles with modern and traditional music. We hope the breadth of service styles means that there is something for everyone and therefore a short description of each service is given below to give you an idea of what to expect.
Pattern of Services
9.00AM St Mark’s, Staplefield:
Our 9.00AM services are held every Sunday at St Mark’s Staplefield. These services have a more traditional tone with hymns led by an organ / piano. We have communion most weeks and following either Book of Common Prayer or Common Worship morning prayer. Tea and coffee is provided after the service on each 2nd and 4th Sunday.
10.00AM All Saints, Handcross:
We gather at All Saints on 2nd, 3rd & 4th Sunday. This is an informal service which includes a breakfast, worship, a short talk and discussions in small groups.
10.45AM St Mary’s, Slaugham:
This service is a family friendly service with activities and teaching for children, a live worship band and an opportunity for prayer and reflection. The duration of services ranges from 60 to 90 minutes with refreshments and a time of fellowship at the end of each meeting.
Below are brief descriptions of the services held each Sunday of the month.
Morning Worship – 1st Sunday of the Month
A more informal service usually including a short sermon and a mixture of hymns and contemporary worship songs. These services may include some sort of discussion time in response to the talk.
Holy Communion – 2nd Sunday of the Month
A more traditional service in modern language having hymns accompanied by the organ concluding with the distribution of Communion. Provision for children is made in the form of small groups for different ages. (Children’s groups are also on offer during this service)
Informal Praise – 3rd Sunday of the Month
A more relaxed style of service with extended times of sung worship and opportunity for response to what God is saying through the service. We also often have an update from one of our mission partners or one of the organisations that we support.
Informal Communion– 4th Sunday of the Month
A slightly more informal communion service, in modern language with hymns accompanied by the organ and worship songs from the band. The service usually begins with communion with the other aspects flowing from this. (Children’s groups are also on offer during this service)
United Services:
As we are one united parish there are times when we gather together. St Mary’s and St Mark’s often worship together for the morning services of Harvest and Remembrance, and we gather all the churches and missional communities together once a term or for baptism services. The location of these services varies so check the home page and notices for updates.
6.30PM All Saints:
We hold a united parish evening service on the 1st Sunday of each month. This is a time of informal sung worship and an opportunity to spend time together in God’s presence.
2.30PM The Hub in Woodgate, Pease Pottage:
We gather at The Hub in Woodgate, Pease Pottage on a monthly basis (usually 4th Sunday). This is an informal service which gathers people from across the parish and beyond who have a heart for Pease Pottage.