Mission Links

An important part of life at St Mary’s is supporting the wider mission of God locally, nationally and globally. We support several individuals and organisations working around the world. This includes:

Bible Society

The Bible Society exists to offer the Bible to the world (www.biblesociety.org.uk)

Family Support Work (FSW)

Working with families in Sussex (www.familysupportwork.org.uk)

Friends of Kagando

The UK based support charity for Kagando Hospital and Rural Development Centre, Kasese District, Western Uganda (www.friendsofkagando.org.uk)

Open Doors

An international organisation supporting persecuted Christians around the world (www.opendoors.uk.org)


A leading relief and development charity working in partnership with Christian agencies and churches worldwide to tackle the causes and effects of poverty (www.tearfund.org.uk)

Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship (UCCF)

Making disciples of Jesus Christ in the student world (www.uccf.org.uk)

Church Pastoral Aid Society (CPAS)

Enabling churches to help every person hear and discover the good news of Jesus (www.cpas.org.uk)


As well as the above we are committed to supporting a few individuals who are in full/part time mission work both locally and abroad.