
Time to pause and draw aside can be hard to find in our busy lives.  St Mary’s church and grounds provide a wonderful conducive space to do that and we welcome people to call in and enjoy the stillness and beauty at any time.

We also offer a variety of guided times of retreat, reflection and quiet.  These are designed as an opportunity to deepen in our awareness of God’s love for us and God’s presence in our lives.  They are often linked into the seasons of the church year and are open to anyone.  We generally include a mix of guided meditations (based on Scripture) in a group setting, combined with suggestions for reflection alone, where there is opportunity to find a corner to yourself either inside or outside the church.  As a participant you will be welcomed into a time of shared silence for the duration of the retreat space, where all are free to stay as long as they want or are able.  Refreshments are also provided.

Do get in touch if you would like to know more by emailing

“Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” Jesus in the gospel of Mark 6:31